Card Manufacturers  in 2023— Part 2

Manufacturers of barcode and scratch card products that don’t have chips or magstripes were led by Inkript Cards with 979.2 million, Trasna (formerly Workz Media) with 864.7 million and KL Hi-Tech Secure Print with 180.0 million.

Payment Card Manufacturer Shipments — 2023

Payment cards shipped by the manufacturers listed here totaled 4.52 billion in 2023. Included in the 2023 shipment figures were 4.00 billion chip cards and 476.4 million magnetic-stripe-only cards.

Asia–Pacific Global Network Cards —2023

Total volume—which is a combination of purchase volume and cash volume—reached $19.998 trillion, up 1.4%. Purchase volume accounted for 95.31% of total volume in 2023 versus 95.26% in 2022.

Swiipr Prepaid Cards for Airlines

More than 500 million passengers a year experience air travel disruptions including delays, diverted flights and last-minute cancellations.