
The Current Issue

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July 2024 | Current Issue
Featured Article

Apple Compelled to Give Access to iPhones in Europe

Mobile payments will operate using host card emulation (HCE) software embedded on the iPhones. This means that payment credentials will not be held on the iPhone’s secure element hardware, which is the case for Apple Pay transactions.
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Europe’s Largest Issuers

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David Robertson, Publisher
July 17, 2024



Europe’s Largest Card Issuers – The Eight Largest Issuers of Mastercard and Visa Credit and Debit Cards

Purchase Volume Among Europe’s Top 50 Issuers in 2023

Domestic Brand Cards in Europe from the Top 50 Issuers Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2023

Top General Purpose Card Issuers in Europe 2023

Debit Card Issuers in the US Ranked 51st to 100th

Top 25 US Issuers of Mastercard and Visa Consumer Cards


Largest Consumer Credit and Debit Card Issuers 2023

The 25 largest issuers of credit cards and debit cards to US consumers are ranked on page 14 of this issue.  The five largest debit card issuers based on purchase volume (spending) are shown here.

JPMorgan Chase
$438.66 billion

Wells Fargo
$416.02 billion

Bank of America
$406.05 billion

PNC Bank
$117.06 billion

Navy FCU
$113.95 billion

Full access to the listing of the Largest Consumer Credit and Debit Cards Issuers in the US in 2023 is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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