Discover Financial Services Results—2023
Credit card purchase volume generated by all Discover brand cards was $217.91 billion, up 3.5%. Credit card cash advances increased 7.5% to $14.87 billion.
OpenWallet Foundation and EMVCo Alliance
Among the applications the companies might pursue for OWF digital wallets include secure remote commerce, payment tokens to protect primary account numbers and 3-D Secure.
Worldline Chooses Google
Google has been given a seven-year contract to handle a large part of Worldline’s public cloud business.
Visa and Mastercard Worldwide through 3Q 2023
Of the Visa and Mastercard worldwide total, purchase volume initiated by cards issued outside the US accounted for 55.68%, up from 54.05%.
Payment Cards Projected Worldwide —2023 through 2028
The global card brand general purpose cards — UnionPay, Visa, Mastercard, JCB, American Express and Discover/Diners Club —are projected to reach 19.38 billion cards by year-end.
M&A in Merchant Processing and Acquiring—2023
There were 25 deals in the US, 23 in Europe, 12 in Asia-Pacific, 7 in the Middle East and Africa, 6 in Latin America and 2 in Canada.
Advent International’s Latest Deal in Europe
The fourth M&A phase involves the purchase of payment processors that serve small to midsized (SMBs) merchants, marketplaces and digital wallets.
Market Cap Performances by Payment Processors in 2023
Only 9 of the 41 processors posted gains in market capitalization, including 4 of the top 10—Fiserv, Global Payments, Shift4 and Stone.
The Threat from Quantum Computing
Quantum computer models leverage the principles of quantum mechanics—the physics concerned with the behavior of subatomic particles.
Global Brand Card Transactions Projected Worldwide — 2023 through 2028
There will be 323.02 billion more transactions worldwide in 2028 than in 2023.