
Mentioned Companies:

ACI and JPMorgan Chase are Partners in Europe

In Europe, JPMorgan Chase has been the top acquirer of ecommerce transactions for the last six years. In 2020, it processed 5.2 million web payments. To offer its merchants in-store card acceptance services, including for mobile wallets, JPMorgan has integrated with ACI Worldwide’s Omni-Commerce platform. Users will be precertified with JPMorgan and all POS terminal manufacturers. ACI’s Omni-Commerce platform is cloud-based. It offers point-to-point encryption and tokenization services. All security, data sovereignty and regulatory compliance issues are handled. The platform, which is a...

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June 2021
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Europe’s Global Network Cards—Market Shares in 2020

Europe Global Network Cards 2020 with change vs. 2019

Europe Market Shares of Purchase Transactions 2002-2020

Purchase Volume on U.S. General Purpose Cards 2015-2020

U.S. Purchase Volume at Merchants 2020

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments