
Mentioned Companies:

ACI Immediate Payments Gateway

Immediate payments, faster payments, and real-time payments are interchangeable terms used to describe credits initiated by a payor, either a business or a consumer, sent to a payee, also a business or consumer. In addition to speed, these payments are always handled as individual items, not cleared for settlement in batches. The 24-hour, 365-day demand of a real-time payment system differs from other systems used at banks, which don’t operate in real time and are certainly not always available. The U.K. was the pioneer. Its system, which is called Faster Payments Service, has been operat...

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November 2016

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U.S. Payment Cards Purchase Volume 2010 – 2020

U.S. Credit and Debit Purchase Volume

U.S. Credit and Debit Purchase Transactions

U.S. Credit Card Purchase Volume Market Shares

U.S. Credit Card Outstandings

U.S. Debit Card Purchase Volume Market Shares

U.S. Credit and Debit Cardholders

U.S. Credit and Debit Cards

U.S. Credit and Debit Card Accounts

U.S. Credit and Debit Total Volume

U.S. Credit and Debit Total Transactions