
Mentioned Companies:

Advent International’s Latest Deal in Europe

Private equity firms have significantly contributed to the four phases of merger and acquisition activity in the payment card industry over the last 20 years. The initial phase involved buying large processing businesses from banks, and the second, scaling those investments through horizontal deals that involved buying additional processors. Over the last five years, the third M&A phase has been taking shape. It involves adding software specialists, payment gateways and other applications to core transaction processors to create vertically integrated companies. This generates more re...

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January 2024
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Global Brand Card Purchase Transactions Projected Worldwide—2017 through 2028

Global Brand Market Shares of Purchase Transactions by Region—Five-Year Change in Basis Points 2023 vs. 2028

Global Brand Purchase Transactions Market Shares by Region in 2023

Global Brand Purchase Transactions Worldwide 2023 vs. 2028

Publicly Traded Payment Processors–Market Capitalization Change January 2023 vs December 2023

Top Processors at Year-End 2023 by Market Cap

US General Purpose Cards Jan. 1-Sept. 30, 2023 and Change vs. Jan. 1-Sept. 30, 2022

M&A Acquiring in Merchant Processing and Acquiring—2023 by Region

Mergers and Acquisitions Worldwide—5 Largest Deals in 2023

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2023