
Mentioned Companies:

Authvia Text to Pay

The number of merchants that have connections to messaging platforms just as they have connections to payment processors is growing. Authvia owns US patents that cover message-based payments and conversational commerce over text. Its Txt2Pay technology can be used to present invoices, receive payments, capture digital signatures, collect data, deliver documents and more. The Authvia payment authorization engine is available through a web-based portal, a application, APIs and other means. Authvia is integrated with the largest messaging networks operating in the US and Canada, ...

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May 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Global Brand Card Networks Worldwide–Purchase Transactions (Bil.) in 2022
Global Network Card Results Worldwide–Purchase Volume by Product
History of Purchase Transactions Worldwide–2016 through 2022
Global Network Cards in Circulation with Market Shares
Global Network Cards Worldwide 2022
Global Debit & Prepaid Cards 2022
Global Credit Cards 2022
Investments & Acquisitions–April 2023