
Mentioned Companies:

Barcode App for Android Phones

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers issue paper coupons valued at $500 billion annually, but less than 1% are redeemed by U.S. consumers. Barcode-based mobile coupons presented on a smartphone screen have shown considerably more potential. However, two factors are holding back digital coupons. Most laser scanners can’t read barcodes on smartphones. And there is no industry standard for those CPG manufacturers interested in presenting coupons as barcodes. That absence of a standard means that scanners can’t tell that the barcode image on a phone is a digital coupon, not a paper coup...

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February 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Issuers of U.S. General Purpose Credit Cards 2015

Shares of Purchase Volume for U.S. Credit Card Issuers 2015

Top 20 Credit Card Issuers Purchase Volume

Top 20 Credit Card Issuers Outstandings

Top Visa Credit Card Issuers

Top MasterCard Credit Card Issuers

Top General Purpose Credit Card Issuers

Top Credit Card Issuers Total Volume

Top Credit Card Issuers Purchase Transactions

50 Largest Visa & MasterCard Credit Card Issuers – Ranked by Outstandings