
Mentioned Companies:

Chat Commerce Platform from Clickatell

WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat are the three largest messaging apps (chat channels) worldwide. They have more users than Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, the three largest social media networks. Clickatell offers financial services companies including card issuers a chat commerce platform to connect with their customers where they are most active. Consumers, particularly digital natives, consider websites to be slow and have grown reluctant to download yet another mobile app. Chat channels, which are immediate and convenient, are what interests them. Conversational commerce pow...

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October 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Payment Cards in the U.S. Projected Purchase Volume in 2024

U.S. Payment Cards—Purchase Volume

U.S. Payment Cards—Purchase Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards—Purchase Volume 2019 vs. 2024

U.S. Payment Cards—Total Volume

U.S. Payment Cards—Total Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards—Outstandings

U.S. Payment Cards—Cardholders

U.S. Payment Cards—Cards