
Mentioned Companies:

CNP Fraud Fighting for Issuers

Keyno, which provides technology that lets card issuers significantly boost protection against online card-not-present (CNP) fraud with dynamic CVV2 services, has expanded its partnership with Visa. The companies are jointly marketing an integrated dCVV2 transaction-level authorization service worldwide. The dynamic CVV2 number is delivered to a cardholder’s mobile phone. A case study at Fidelity Bank in the Bahamas involving 20,000 cardholders showed CNP fraud declined by more than 70%. A top credit card issuer in Australia has rolled out dynamic CVV2, and Keyno and Visa sales teams have...

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June 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Europe’s Global Network Cards—Market Shares in 2021

Europe Global Network Cards—2021 with change vs. 2020

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions 2001-2021

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Visa and Mastercard

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Cards by Product

Investments & Acquisitions—May 2022