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Cusip Global Services Now Handling BIN Management

The American Bankers Association (ABA) created the 8-digit general purpose payment card issuer identification number (IIN) system, often referred to as BIN, in 1970, and subsequently codified it under the International Standards Organization (as ISO 7812). Over the years, the ABA managed the IIN system in-house. On September 1, 2023, the ABA handed off IIN management, which covers Visa, Mastercard and Discover cards, to Cusip Global Services (CGS), a business unit of FactSet since 2022. CSG is already a partner with the ABA on the management of numbers tied to stocks, bonds and other fin...

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February 2024
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Eight Largest US Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards—Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2023

Comparison of General Purpose Card Issuers 2023 vs. 2018

The 30 Largest US Credit Card Issuers–2023

Market Shares of the 5 Largest Credit Card Outstanding Portfolios

Largest Acquisitions in the Payment Card Industry

Market Shares of Outstandings at the 5 Largest US General Purpose Credit Card Issuers since 2010

Top 15 Mastercard and Visa Credit Card Issuers in the US–Ranked by Outstandings 2017 through 2023

Top 50 Mastercard and Visa Credit Card Issuers in the US

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments, February 26, 2024