
Mentioned Companies:

Dinube Mobile Payments in Europe

In Europe, NFC-based mobile payments at merchant locations are available in the U.K., France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, the Baltics, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Turkey. Programs have been introduced by handset manufacturers Apple and Samsung (soon), mobile network operators (MNOs) including PT, Turkcell, Vodafone, Swisscom, Orange, Telecom Italia, Telenor, SFR, Deutsche Telekom (and T-Mobile), and Telefonica — with and without bank card issuing partners — as well as financial institutions working without MNO partners including Rabobank, Credit Agricole, TC Ziraat, Isban...

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August 2015
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Card Fraud Worldwide 1993 – 2014

Card Fraud Projected – Global Losses

Market Capitalization & Revenue for Payment Companies

U.S. Visa & MasterCard Commercial Cards

Largest U.S. Issuers of Consumer Visa & MasterCard Cards 2014

Growth in Fraud vs. Total Card Volume Worldwide

Card Fraud in Basis Points

Merchant Acquirers in Middle East/Africa 2014