
Mentioned Companies:

Ebanx Merchant Payments in Latin America

Payment facilitator Ebanx maintains direct connections with banks, acquirers, and card networks in Latin America. While other gateways provide access to Latin America cardholders for payments initiated by the 20% of the region’s population who hold global brand cards able to settle a cross-border payment, Ebanx can process payments made by any credit cardholder—global or domestic market only—in eight countries in Latin America led by Brazil where it is headquartered. It accepts the payment on behalf of the seller in local currency, applies a fee for each operation performed, and then set...

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December 2019
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Outstandings for the Top 150 Card Portfolios Worldwide—Inside vs. Outside the U.S.

U.S. General Purpose Cards through 3rd Quarter 2019

Canada Commercial Credit Card Issuers—Visa & Mastercard 2018

Canada Commercial Credit Cards by Type of Card 2018

Largest Debit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2018

Investments & Acquisitions—October 2019

Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide 2018