
Mentioned Companies:

Experian Digital Debit Card

There are 261 million Americans aged 18 and over, of which 100 million, more than 38%, either have no files at credit bureaus or are challenged by subprime credit scores owing to previous inabilities to satisfactorily pay back what they had borrowed. Experian, one of the big three credit bureaus in the US, has created the Experian Smart Money Digital Checking Account & Debit Card for this cohort as a tool to help build or rebuild their credit score. Customers are offered a $50 signing bonus as an incentive if they open an account with ongoing direct deposit of their paychecks. Once t...

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October 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Largest Merchant Acquiring Portfolios Worldwide

Top 10 Acquirers of Visa and Mastercard Payments

Largest 150 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide

POS Shipments by Type of Device and Market Share

POS Terminal Manufacturers’ Total Shipments and Market Shares

Manufacturers of POS Terminals Shipped in 2022 by Region

Card Debt as a Percentage of Total Household Debt

US Credit Card Debt and Consumer Credit

Credit Card Debt as a Percentage of Consumer Credit

Investments & Acquisitions—September 2023

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments