
Mentioned Companies:

Fairbit in the Nilson Report

FAIRBIT has received Mastercard Tap on Phone EMV Level 2 certification for its "Fairbit Kernel-on-the-Cloud" product. SoftPOS enables any Android device to take payments without any additional hardware. The technology runs on the Google Cloud platform. It supports all CVM methods, including Online PIN, Signature, and CD CVM. Fairbit Kernel-on-the-Cloud software received Visa Ready Tap to Phone Level 2 certification in 2021. Ozgur Altunas is Managing Director at Fairbit,, www.fairbit....
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March 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top 7 U.S. Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Transactions in 2021

Top 20 U.S. Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Purchase Volume and Purchase Transactions

62 Largest U.S. Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Visa/Mastercard Volume

Top 40 U.S. Card Not Present (CNP) Acquiring

Visa/Mastercard Share of Purchase Volume at Top Acquirers

Investments & Acquisitions—February 2022