
Mentioned Companies:

Fiserv Expands in Canada

Desjardins, Canada’s largest federation of credit unions, will convert its card accounts to the Optis processing platform operated by Fiserv. The cooperative owns a portfolio of 4.5 million Visa and Mastercard credit card accounts and is Canada’s fourth largest credit card issuer when measuring outstanding receivables. It had been handling account processing in-house. No timetable has been provided for the conversion. Desjardins will also use the Optis platform for its loyalty program capabilities and AI-based fraud-fighting technology. Optis manages more than one billion credit card...

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January 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Payment Cards in Circulation—Projected through 2027 in Billions

Payment Cards in Circulation—Market Shares in 2022

Top Investment Transactions in Merchant Acquiring and Processing in 2022

Investments in Merchant Acquiring and Processing in 2022 by Region

Discover Card 2022 vs. 2021

Mastercard & Visa Worldwide through 3Q 2022

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments