
Mentioned Companies:

IdentityMind AML/KYC/Fraud Protection

Enforcement action against companies including Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Rabobank, MoneyGram, Deutsche Bank, and Western Union has resulted in nearly $2 billion in fines since January 2017 related to noncompliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. IdentityMind provides an off-the-shelf software-as-a-service platform to merchant acquirers, payment facilitators, and processors to fight attempts at money laundering and related fraud. Features include monitoring every transaction, know your customer (KYC) and know your customer’s customer (KYCC) review, sanctions and politic...

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January 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

U.S. General Purpose Cards, Outstandings as a Percentage of Purchase Volume

American Express Card Results 2019

Discover Card U.S. Results 2019

Income at Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers: Company Net vs. Card Net

Investments in Merchant Acquiring & Processing—2019