
Mentioned Companies:

Ingenico’s Strong Customer Authentication Suite

The European Union (EU) mandated strong customer authentication (SCA) practices when it established its Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). The deadline for implementation of SCA seems to be final— December 31, 2020. It was extended from September 14, 2019. SCA is mandatory for payment card issuers (on behalf of the cardholders) and online merchants (supported by their acquirers/processors) when transactions occur in the European Economic Area. All payments, including those made online and from mobile devices, must be secured by two-factor authentication of the cardholder. Ingeni...

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June 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Europe’s Global General Purpose Cards—Market Shares in 2019

Europe General Purpose Cards 2019 vs. 2018

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in Europe 2001-2019

Purchase Volume on U.S. General Purpose Cards

Purchase Volume at Merchants 2019—General Purpose Credit, Debit, and Prepaid Cards Issued in the U.S.

Consumer ACH Transactions in the U.S.—2019

Investments & Acquisitions—May 2020