
Mentioned Companies:

JCB to Test Micropayments

Among global brand card issuers, Japan-based JCB ranks fifth largest based on annual purchase volume. However, it is the top card issuer in Japan where it also operates a merchant acquiring business. In partnership with Singapore-based Keychain, JCB has developed infrastructure to process micropayments tied to credit cards for transactions that originate from unattended, internet-connected devices. Those internet of things (IoT) transactions, which will be valued at less than $1, could be human-to-machine or machine-to-machine. IoT payment transactions are expected to proliferate once 5G mo...

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April 2021

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Canada Card Networks and Issuers

Canada’s Market Shares of Visa and Mastercard Outstandings 2020

Canada Spending, Transactions, and Cards by Brand

Credit Card Issuers in Canada – Ranked by Outstandings at Year-End 2020

Market Shares of Credit and Debit Card Purchase Transactions in Canada 2000-2020

U.S. Consumer ACH Transactions–2020