
Mentioned Companies:

Justt Automates Chargeback Processing

In step with the growth of ecommerce sales is the increasing number of transactions that credit and debit card issuers request merchants to charge back because cardholders claim a problem of some kind. Sellers of all types of goods and services suffer these requests. The fastest growing claims for chargebacks are purchases considered to be “friendly fraud.” Those include a member of a household using a card belonging to another member without permission or a valid purchase that the buyer later regrets and denies ever having made. Justt provides AI-powered technology to automate the c...

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March 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top 7 U.S. Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Transactions in 2021

Top 20 U.S. Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Purchase Volume and Purchase Transactions

62 Largest U.S. Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Visa/Mastercard Volume

Top 40 U.S. Card Not Present (CNP) Acquiring

Visa/Mastercard Share of Purchase Volume at Top Acquirers

Investments & Acquisitions—February 2022