
Mentioned Companies:

Lloyds Buys MBNA Credit Cards

The second largest credit card issuer in the U.K. based on outstandings has purchased the fourth largest issuer in that country. Lloyds Banking Group will pay a premium of $2.35 billion (£1.9 billion) above the value of the outstanding receivables for the MBNA portfolio. MBNA, a subsidiary of U.S.-based Bank of America, has about five million customers and outstandings of around $10.00 billion. When the acquisition is complete, Lloyds’ market share of outstandings in the U.K. is expected to increase from 15% to 26%. Barclays is expected to continue to lead with a 29% share. The MBNA/Lloyds ...

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January 2017
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Transactions Worldwide 2015 vs. 2025

Investments & Acquisitions – December 2016

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions Worldwide

Investments: Merchant Acquiring and Related Processing Companies 2016

Acquisitions: Merchant Acquiring and Related Processing Companies 2016

Credit Card Portfolio Deals 2016