
Mentioned Companies:

MFS Africa Buys US-Based Prepaid Card Platform

Global Technology Partners (GTP), a Visa and Mastercard prepaid card account processor that has operated exclusively in sub-Saharan Africa since 2006, has been purchased by MFS Africa for $34 million in cash and stock. MFS Africa provides a payment gateway to mobile network operators (MNOs) in 36 countries in Africa to support cross-border payments and money transfers from 400 million mobile wallets. GTP, which is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has 80 bank customers in 34 countries. It provides Visa and Mastercard prepaid card program processing and management, including issuing services...

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June 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Europe’s Global Network Cards—Market Shares in 2021

Europe Global Network Cards—2021 with change vs. 2020

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions 2001-2021

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Visa and Mastercard

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Cards by Product

Investments & Acquisitions—May 2022