
Mentioned Companies:

OpenPath’s Payment-Orchestration Layer

Through a combination of in-house capabilities and partnerships with third parties, OpenPath has built a consolidated platform that merchants can use to handle ecommerce payments. OpenPath sits between a merchant and its acquirer. Merchants use the platform for payment processing including recurring billing for subscriptions, split-pay transactions and dynamic surcharging as well as transaction routing and chargeback management. They can combine their in-house assets with some or all of OpenPath’s features and functions. Typically, OpenPath is introduced to merchants by independent sal...

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April 2021

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Canada Card Networks and Issuers

Canada’s Market Shares of Visa and Mastercard Outstandings 2020

Canada Spending, Transactions, and Cards by Brand

Credit Card Issuers in Canada – Ranked by Outstandings at Year-End 2020

Market Shares of Credit and Debit Card Purchase Transactions in Canada 2000-2020

U.S. Consumer ACH Transactions–2020