
Mentioned Companies:

Outseer Fraud Fighting

RSA Security was sold to a consortium led by private equity firm Symphony Technology Group in September 2020. In June 2021, RSA set up its fraud & risk intelligence business as a stand-alone company called Outseer. The new company holds payment authentication, fraud management and account monitoring assets that support digital commerce for financial institutions and card issuers. FraudAction is a managed service that monitors, detects and takes down phishing, rogue apps, brand abuse and fraudulent social media activity. Fraud Manager provides risk-based account monitoring protection ...

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February 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.

Market Shares of Outstandings for Top U.S. Issuers in 2021

Top 20 U.S. Credit Cards Issuers—Ranked by Outstandings, Purchase Volume, Purchase Transactions and Cards 2021

U.S. Mastercard and Visa Credit Card Issuers—Purchase Transactions

Top 50 Mastercard & Visa Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.

Global Brand General Purpose Cards

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments