
Payment Card Manufacturer Shipments — 2023

Payment cards shipped by the manufacturers listed here totaled 4.52 billion in 2023. Included in the 2023 shipment figures were 4.00 billion chip cards and 476.4 million magnetic-stripe-only cards.

These manufacturers shipped another 43.4 million cards that used barcodes, scratch-off or other means to initiate transactions and lacked either chips or magstripes. The top six manufacturers combined shipped 2.89 billion payment cards in 2023, a decline of 4.0% versus the top six in 2022. XH Smart Tech moved into the top six in 2023. The top six payment card manufac...

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October 2024
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Largest Merchant Acquirers Worldwide Based on Transactions in 2023

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions for the 150 Largest Merchant Acquirers

Largest 150 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide Ranked by Global and Domestic Card Brand Purchase Transactions in 2023

Market Shares of 4.52 Billion Payment Cards Shipped in 2023

Card Manufacturers, Payment Card Shipments in 2023

Visa and Mastercard Payment Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2023

UnionPay Payment Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2023

Other Payment Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2023

Other High Security Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2023

Total Household and Credit Card Debt 2005 – 2023

US Credit Card Debt and Consumer Credit from 1993 to 2023

Credit Card Debt as a Percentage of Consumer Credit 1983 through 2023

Spending, Transactions and Cards for Global Brands in the Middle East and Africa