
Mentioned Companies:

POS Terminal Manufacturers—Part 2

Some of the POS terminal manufacturers featured in issue 1205 also manufacture PIN pads, dongle-type card readers, other card readers, electronic cash registers and devices that scan QR codes but do not accept cards. These figures were not included in the totals shown in that prior issue. These other devices were shipped to all world regions. Of the 25 manufacturers shown here, Gertec is based in Brazil, Datecs is based in Bulgaria, 17 are based in China, BBPOS is based in Hong Kong, Toshiba is based in Japan, NewNote is based in Portugal, Thumbzup is based in South Africa, SCSpro is bas...

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October 2021
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—2020 vs. 2025

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Purchase Volume

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Purchase Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Total Volume

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Total Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Outstandings

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Cardholders

U.S. Payment Cards Projected—Cards

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Mastercard and Visa

Commercial Bank Credit Cards in Canada—Cards by Product

POS Terminal Manufacturers—Other POS Devices Shipped in 2020

Investments & Acquisitions—September 2021