
Mentioned Companies:

Positive Engagement with Past Due Card Accounts

Even in periods when credit card delinquencies are low, such as they are now, over 20% of cardholders are late making their monthly payments. Giving them a nudge to take action is the expertise of Symend, which analyzes large amounts of data to create a personalized digital outreach campaign. The aim is to create a positive action and a positive feeling toward the card issuer. Too often, collection efforts leave a cardholder feeling harassed, which can lead to losing future business to a competitor’s card. Symend creates a sequence of personalized communications for cardholders that inclu...

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May 2021
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Issuers of Commercial Cards in the U.S.

Purchase Volume on U.S. Commercial Cards by Type with Market Share and Change in Purchase Volume

U.S. Visa & Mastercard Commercial Card Issuers Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2020

U.S. Corporate Cards

Purchase Volume on Corporate, Purchasing and Fleet Cards in the U.S.—2016 through 2020

U.S. Purchasing and Fleet Cards

Commercial Prepaid Cards in the U.S.

U.S. Business Credit Cards

U.S. Business Debit Cards

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments