
Mentioned Companies:

RBC Uses Siri for Money Transfers

When Apple launched iOS 10 in September 2016, it offered third parties the ability to integrate with Siri, the voice-activated assistance service on iPhone and iPad devices. No contracts were needed with Apple. Almost immediately companies saw opportunities to use SiriKit for developers to supplement their core business with new customer conveniences. Lyft enabled voice commands to request a ride. Venmo, PayPal, Monzo, Azimo, and Square Cash let users send money through iMessage. PayPal offered Siri-initiated money transfers in 30 countries. LinkedIn and WhatsApp let users send messages withou...

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March 2017
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Charts in this Issue

Top Acquirers in the U.S. Ranked by Purchase Transactions in 2016

Investments & Acquisitions February 2017

Top Acquirers Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2016

Merchant Acquirers in the United States 2016 Ranked by Visa/Mastercard Volume

Ecommerce/MOTO Business 2016