
Mentioned Companies:

ReCaptcha Enterprise Fraud Prevention

For 10 years, Google’s free “I am not a robot” reCaptcha (completely automated public trust Turing test) technology has been available to businesses worldwide to thwart criminals using bots to enter their websites. Currently, about six million businesses use the verification technology. For the past three years, an enterprise version has been available to large businesses to fight account takeover. This paid product operates behind the scenes, invisible to anyone scrolling through a webpage. Users never interact with it. This version of reCaptcha leverages Google’s database of email...

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June 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Middle East and Africa’s 8 Largest Acquirers in 2022-Ranked by Purchase Transactions in 2022

10 Largest Acquirers in Middle East and Africa

Largest Merchant Acquirers in the Middle East and Africa-Ranked by Master-card and Visa Transactions

Canada’s Mastercard and Visa Commercial Credit Cards

Canada’s Corporate Cards

Canada’s Small Business Credit Cards

Canada’s Purchasing and Fleet Cards

Purchase Volume on US General Purpose Cards 2016-2022

US Purchase Volume at Merchants in 2022

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments