
Mentioned Companies:

Retriever Medical Payments Acquiring

Last year, Retriever Medical/Dental Payments acquired $3.79 billion in card payments on behalf of U.S.-based healthcare providers. The company, which ranked 52nd largest based on Visa/Mastercard dollar volume among U.S. acquirers, is the largest that focuses exclusively on healthcare payments. Its compound annual growth rate in payments acquired over the last five years has been 20%. Retriever Medical benefits from organic growth in the healthcare sector, where businesses of all sizes attempt to receive payment for services at the time they occur. It is also helped as an increasing number o...

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October 2017
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Card Fraud Worldwide

Investments & Acquisitions September 2017

Fraud Inside vs. Outside the U.S.

Fraud by Type of Card 2016

Growth in Fraud vs. Total Card Volume Worldwide

Card Fraud Worldwide Projected

Acquisitions in Loyalty September 2016-September 2017

Credit Card Issuers in Latin America 2016

Debit Card Issuers in Latin America 2016

Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Latin America 2016