
Mentioned Companies:

Risk Ident Fraud Protection

The Otto Group, Europe’s second largest online retailer, generates more than $13 billion in annual sales — 50% online. Much of Otto’s sales are household items and consumer electronics, goods that are desired by criminals using stolen credit cards because they can be resold for cash. Otto Group created an internal business unit in 2012 to address fraud, which amounted to 1% of sales. This amount is typical for merchants selling online. That business unit is now a stand-alone company called Risk Ident. It sells a combination of machine-learning and rules-based software that retailers c...

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March 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Acquirers in the U.S. 2015 – Ranked by Purchase Transactions

Investments & Acquisitions – February 2016

Top Acquirers in the U.S. – Ranked by Volume and Transactions

Merchant Acquirers in the U.S. – Ranked by Visa/MasterCard Volume

Ecommerce/MOTO Business 2015