
Mentioned Companies:

Riskified Guarantees eCommerce Transactions

Building more accurate models to assess the risk associated with card-not-present transactions is the strength of machine learning fraud fighting technology over rules-based decisions still in wide use. Riskified uses machine learning models as the backbone of its guarantee service to ecommerce merchants, which provides a yes or no decision on whether to process a payment and ship goods. If a transaction turns out to be fraudulent, Riskified reimburses the merchant for all losses. The decline rate for ecommerce transactions ranges from 2% to 5% of ecommerce payments depending on the merchan...

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October 2015
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top 20 Acquirers Worldwide 2014

Investments & Acquisitions – September 2015

Largest 150 Acquirers Worldwide 2014

Telephone, Transportation, Prepaid, and Nonpayment Card Shipments 2014

Credit Card Issuers in Latin America 2014

Debit Card Issuers in Latin America 2014

Top General Purpose/Visa/MasterCard Card Issuers in Latin America 2014