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SentiLink Fights Synthetic Fraud

When an application for credit involves a name, date of birth (DOB), and Social Security number (SSN) that do not belong to the same person, or that are completely false and have been assembled to create a fictitious identity, synthetic identity fraud is being attempted. When the name and date of birth match those of a real person, but the Social Security number belongs to another person or is made up, the applicant is attempting fraud in their own name. That is first-party synthetic fraud. When the name, DOB, and SSN are completely false, third-party synthetic fraud is being attempted. Fir...

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April 2019

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Latin America Market Shares of Purchase Volume

Latin America Market Shares of Purchase Transactions by Brand

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in Latin America

Latin America General Purpose Cards 2018

Second 50 Largest Debit Card Issuers in the U.S.—2018