
Mentioned Companies:

Six Group Payment Services

Combined cardholder and merchant account processing transactions handled by Six Payment Services reached 3.60 billion last year. The company dominates the payment card processing business in Switzerland, Austria, and Luxembourg and handles business in 33 countries for bank and merchant customers. Six Payment Services operates as a pure third-party processor after the sale this month of its credit card issuing business in Austria to Easybank (Bawag). Six gained that business in 2013 when it purchased PayLife in Austria. Last year, merchant processing generated 33% of all transactions handled...

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October 2017
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Card Fraud Worldwide

Investments & Acquisitions September 2017

Fraud Inside vs. Outside the U.S.

Fraud by Type of Card 2016

Growth in Fraud vs. Total Card Volume Worldwide

Card Fraud Worldwide Projected

Acquisitions in Loyalty September 2016-September 2017

Credit Card Issuers in Latin America 2016

Debit Card Issuers in Latin America 2016

Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Latin America 2016