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Tap on Phone at Visa and Mastercard

Consumer off-the-shelf NFC-enabled Android smartphones and tablets operating as POS terminals without needing to link to any Bluetooth or audio jack card reader hardware could add 50 million card acceptance locations worldwide in seven years beyond the current level of 70 million connected to the Visa and Mastercard networks. Android holds a 73% market share of mobile devices worldwide including a 40% share in the U.S. Among users of the 2 billion Android devices worldwide are up to 180 million micro and small merchants. That group accounts for 90% of all businesses worldwide. Definition...

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January 2021
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Transactions Projected Worldwide

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions Projected for 2025 by Region

Purchase Transactions Global Brand Cards 2000-2020

M&A Activity in Merchant Processing and Acquiring by Region—2020

Mastercard & Visa Worldwide thru 3Q 2020