
Mentioned Companies:

Trulioo Global ID Verification

Leveraging connections to more than 450 data sources, Trulioo provides its multinational customers with KYC (know your customer) and KYB (know your business) identity verification services that cover 195 countries and territories. Those customers include financial institutions, payment processors, foreign exchange platforms, online trading companies, money transfer firms and marketplaces. The largest Trulioo customers use its identity and document verification services in an average of 40 countries per day. Trulioo doesn’t own any of the KYC and KYB data that it delivers, either via a sin...

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October 2023
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Credit Card Countries Ranked by Market Shares of Outstandings

Shares of Outstandings by Region 2012-2022

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Other POS Devices Shipped in 2022

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