
Mentioned Companies:

Trustly Partners with Socure

Open banking company Trustly connects to 8,000 US banks. It has been building that capacity since 2017. Clients use the connections to verify bank account details and personally identifiable information (PII) of their account holders. Trustly has just formed a partnership with digital identity verification specialist Socure to enhance its capability to provide KYC (know your customer) and AML (anti-money laundering) compliance. The companies have agreed to a reciprocal marketing deal. Socure is particularly helpful in protecting merchants that handle transactions with a higher risk of...

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March 2024
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Canada—Networks and Issuers, Market Shares and Purchase Transactions

Market Shares of Visa & Mastercard Purchase Volume

Spending, Transactions and Cards by Brand

Credit Card Issuers in Canada—Ranked by Outstandings at Year-End 2023

Merchant Processing Fees Paid by Merchants in the US—2023

BNPL Deals Valued at $100 Million and Above

Investments and Acquisitions Deals by Region—2023

Investments & Acquisitions—February 2023