
Mentioned Companies:

Vanstone POS Terminal

Among manufacturers of POS terminals, Vanstone ranked 19th largest based on units shipped in 2016. It shipped more than 409,000 terminals last year, up 30% over 2015. The company’s newest device, the Aisino A90 (shown here), uses a customized Android 5.1 operating system and Qualcomm quad-core ARM. The A90 supports EMV-compliant NFC and QR code-based mobile payments. It offers a 5.5-inch high-definition touchscreen for customer-facing transactions. The 6000mAh rechargeable lithium battery can handle 700 transactions or 10 days screen out standby. The A90 is configured with dual cameras on th...

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August 2017
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Middle East & Africa Market Shares of Purchase Volume 2016

Investments & Acquisitions July 2017

U.S. General Purpose Cards MY 2017 vs. MY 2016

Middle-East Africa Market Share of Purchase Transactions by Brand

Year-Over-Year Growth/Decline in Purchase Volume on Cards Issued in Middle East & Africa

Middle East & Africa General Purpose Cards 2016 vs. 2015

Top Acquirers of Web Transactions 2016 in Latin America

Top 10 Acquirers in Latin America 2016

Largest Merchant Acquirers in Latin America 2016