
Issue 1092

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August 2016
Featured Chart

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Worldwide

Manufacturers of payment cards used by consumers and employees worldwide shipped 6.21 billion units in 2015, up 7.8%. Of that amount, Visa and Mastercard cards totaled 4.20 billion, up 7.4%.

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Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Worldwide

Investments & Acquisitions – July 2016

U.S. General Purpose Cards Midyear 2016 vs. Midyear 2015

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Ranked by Shipments 2014 vs. 2015

Top Payment Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2015

Payment Card Shipments by Type of Card 2015

Credit Card Issuers in Mideast/Africa 2015

Debit Card Issuers in Mideast/Africa 2015

Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Mideast/Africa


U.S. General Purpose Cards Midyear 2016 vs. Midyear 2015

In the first six months of 2016 Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards issued in the United States generated $1.467 trillion in purchases of goods and services, up 8%.

Visa Credit:
$710.34 billion purchase volume,+10.8%
American Express Credit:
$359.01 billion purchase volume, +2.9%
Mastercard Credit:
$338.88 billion purchase volume, +8.9%
Discover Credit:
$58.84 billion purchase volume, +3.5%
Credit Card Totals:
$1,467.07 billion purchase volume, +8.0%

Full access to the U.S. General Purpose Cards Midyear 2016 vs. Midyear 2015 results is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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