
Issue 1116

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September 2017
Featured Chart

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Worldwide

Manufacturers shipped more than 6.4 billion payment cards in 2016. The top suppliers were Gemalto, Oberthur, Perfect Plastic, and Giesecke & Devrient.

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Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Worldwide

Asia-Pacific’s Top Acquirers of Web Transactions 2016

Top 10 General Purpose Acquirers in Asia-Pacific 2016

Largest Visa/Mastercard Merchant Acquirers in Asia-Pacific 2016

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Ranked by Shipments 2016 vs. 2015

Total Payment Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2016

Payment Card Shipments by Type of Card 2016

Volume Midyear 2017 U.S. Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Issuers

Outstandings Midyear 2017 U.S. Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Issuers

Outstandings at Midyear Top U.S. General Purpose Issuers

Total Volume at Midyear Top U.S. General Purpose Issuers


Asia-Pacific´s Top Acquirers of Web Transactions 2016

The number of online payments processed by top acquirers in the Asia-Pacific region are listed based on transactions handled in 2016.

Westpac Banking, Australia
471.1 million transactions
BC Card, South Korea
239.6 million transactions
National Australia Bank, Australia
184.7 million transactions
Commonwealth Bank, Australia
168.0 million transactions

Full access to the Top Acquirers of Web Transactions 2016 for Asia-Pacific is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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