
Issue 1126

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February 2018
Featured Chart

Top Issuers of U.S. General Purpose Credit Cards 2017

Issuers of Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards in the U.S. saw purchase volume-spending for goods and services-increased 9.6% in 2017 to $3.352 trillion. Market shares for the eight largest issuers are shown here.

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Top Issuers of U.S. General Purpose Credit Cards 2017

Market Shares of Purchase Volume for Top Credit Card Issuers 2008-2017

Shares of Outstandings for U.S. Credit Card Issuers 2017

Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers: Outstandings, Volume, Transactions, Cards

50 Largest Mastercard & Visa Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.-Ranked by Outstandings 2017


50 Largest Mastercard & Visa Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.-Ranked by Outstandings

The 50 largest Mastercard and Visa issuers in the U.S. are ranked on pages 10 and 11 by outstanding credit card receivables. The 5 largest are shown here.

JPMorgan Chase, Delaware
$149.51 billion, +5.4%
Citibank, South Dakota
$107.73 billion, +8.0%
Bank of America, Delaware
$104.74 billion, 5.7%
Capital One, Virginia
$98.22 billion, 8.6%
Wells Fargo, South Dakota
$ 38.42 billion, 1.1 %

Full access to the 50 Largest Mastercard & Visa Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.-Ranked by Outstandings is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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