
Issue 1137

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August 2018
Featured Chart

Latin America’s Top Acquirers in 2017

The largest acquirers of payment card transactions from merchants in Latin America and Caribbean are ranked by the number of transactions they handled in calendar year 2017. Collectively, they handled $707.06 billion in purchase volume.

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Latin America’s Top Acquirers in 2017

Investments & Acquisitions—July 2018

Spending on U.S. Commercial & Consumer Cards

Top 10 General Purpose Acquirers in Latin America 2017

Largest Visa/Mastercard Merchant Acquirers in Latin America 2017

Largest Credit Card Issuers in Middle East & Africa

Largest Debit Card Issuers in Middle East & Africa

Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Middle East & Africa


Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Middle East & Africa

The 50 largest credit and debit card issuers in the Middle East and Africa are ranked on page 11. Figures include purchase volume at merchants and total volume, including cash advances/withdrawals.

1. IsraCard, Israel
$40.14 billion purchase volume
2. Israel Credit Cards, Israel
$22.32 billion purchase volume
3. Al Rajhi Bank, Saudi Arabia
$22.21 billion purchase volume
4. Leumi Card, Israel
$22.19 billion purchase volume
5. Standard Bank, South Africa
$15.87 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers 2017 results in Middle East and Africa is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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