
Issue 1157

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July 2019
Featured Chart

Middle East and Africa Cards 2018

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Diners Club credit, debit, and prepaid cards issued in the Middle East and Africa region generated $1.086 trillion in purchases of goods and services, cash advances, and cash withdrawals in 2018, up 12.4% from 2017.

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Middle East & Africa Market Shares of Purchase Volume

Investments & Acquisitions—June 2019

U.S. General Purpose Cards 1Q 2019 vs. 1Q 2018

Middle East & Africa Market Shares of Purchase Transactions by Brand

Middle East & Africa General Purpose Cards 2018 vs. 2017

Year-Over-Year Growth/Decline in Purchase Volume on Cards Issued in Middle East & Africa

Europe’s Top Credit Card Issuers

Europe’s Top Debit Card Issuers

Europe’s Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers


Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Europe

The 50 largest issuers of credit, debit, and prepaid cards in Europe are ranked by purchase volume generated in 2018. The five largest are shown here.

1. Lloyds Banking/MBNA, U.K.
$289.97 billion purchase volume
2. RBS/NatWest, U.K.
$184.73 billion purchase volume
3. Barclays, U.K.
$181.54 billion purchase volume
4. Credit Agricole, France
$178.93 billion purchase volume
5. Sberbank, Russia
$171.10 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Europe results is available when you subscribe to The Nilson Report.

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