
Issue 1177

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June 2020
Featured Chart

Europe’s Global General Purpose Cards

The global brands issued in Europe generated 96.66 billion transactions last year to purchase goods and services, up 21.3% over 2018.

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Please take a moment to read the text to the left about how we DO NOT earn
revenue. Not a week goes by without a company asking how much it costs to be
featured by the Nilson Report. The answer to that question hasn’t changed in 50
years—“nothing.” As a reader who expects credible, unbiased reporting, you can
trust that this policy will continue to set us apart.

David Robertson, Publisher
June 17, 2020



Europe’s Global General Purpose Cards—Market Shares in 2019

Europe General Purpose Cards 2019 vs. 2018

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in Europe 2001-2019

Purchase Volume on U.S. General Purpose Cards

Purchase Volume at Merchants 2019—General Purpose Credit, Debit, and Prepaid Cards Issued in the U.S.

Consumer ACH Transactions in the U.S.—2019

Investments & Acquisitions—May 2020


Purchase Volume at Merchants in the U.S.—2019

The 100 largest payment card issuers in the U.S. are ranked on pages 8 and 9 by combined credit, debit, and prepaid card purchase volume generated in 2019. The 5 largest are listed here.

1. JPMorgan Chase
$1,155.93 billion, +8.6%
2. American Express
$801.88 billion, +6.2%
3. Bank of America
$726.63 billion, +4.3%
4. Wells Fargo
$504.16 billion, +4.7%
5. Citibank
$470.80 billion, +8.0%

Full access to the Purchase Volume at Merchants 2019 results for general purpose, credit, debit, and prepaid cards issued in the United States is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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