
Issue 1182

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September 2020
Featured Chart

POS Terminal Shipments Worldwide by Region

Shipments of point-of-sale terminals to all world regions reached 128.2 million last year, up 24.2% from 2018. Over 67% of those shipments went to the Asia-Pacific region.

Featured Companies

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David Robertson, Publisher
September 16, 2020



POS Terminal Shipments Worldwide by Region–Market Shares

POS Terminal Shipments by Type of Device

mPOS Devices Shipped in 2019

Manufacturers of POS Terminals Shipped in 2019–with Totals and mPOS Devices

Top 25 U.S. Issuers of Prepaid Cards

Top Acquirers of General Purpose Cards in Asia-Pacific

Top Acquirers of Visa and Mastercard Transactions in Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific’s 34 Largest Merchant Acquirers–Ranked by Visa and Mastercard Transactions

U.S. Commercial Cards’ Increasing Share of Purchase Volume

Investments & Acquisitions–August 2020


Top 25 U.S. Issuers of Prepaid Cards

The chart on page 8 ranks the 25 largest issuers of prepaid Visa, Mastercard, and Discover brand cards in the U.S. Cards from the four largest issuers generated 66% of all spending at the top 25 and are shown here.

1. The Bancorp Bank
$47.93 billion purchase volume, +14.4%
2. MetaBank
$36.18 billion purchase volume, -4.1%
3. Green Dot Bank
$27.00 billion purchase volume, +3.9%
4. Comerica Bank
$20.58 billion purchase volume, +5.3%

Full access to the Top 25 Issuers of Prepaid Cards in the United States is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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