
Issue 1184

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
October 2020
Featured Chart

Payment Cards Projected Worldwide

Among the major brands appearing on cards issued worldwide, the largest are UnionPay, Visa, and Mastercard. Smaller brands appear on private label cards and on cards issued for domestic use only.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

For two months we have been asking readers to update their mailing addresses
so that we can deliver our print edition. The results of those conversations have been revealing. As companies everywhere adjust to the realities of conducting business in a pandemic, only 50% of our subscribers have returned to their offices and are able to accept mail. You still have time to update your address before we resume mailing our print edition in November.

David Robertson, Publisher
October 16, 2020



Payment Cards Projected Worldwide 2019 vs. 2025

Payment Cards in Circulation 2019

Top General Purpose Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific 2019

Top 50 Credit Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific 2019

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific 2019

Investments & Acquisitions—September 2020


Top General Purpose Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific

Tables on pages eight and nine rank the 50 largest issuers of general purpose credit, debit, and prepaid cards in the Asia–Pacific region based on purchase volume in 2019. Below are the top 5.

1. China Construction Bank, China
$2,356.57 billion purchase volume
2. ICBC, China
$1,552.90 billion purchase volume
3. Agricultural Bank, China
$1,375.92 billion purchase volume
4. China Merchants Bank, China
$996.16 billion purchase volume
5. Bank of China, China
$933.67 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Top General Purpose Card Issuers in the Asia–Pacific region results for 2019 is available to you when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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