
Issue 1185

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
October 2020
Featured Chart

Payment Cards in the U.S. Projected Purchase Volume in 2024

Consumer and commercial credit, debit, and prepaid general purpose and private label cards combined are expected to generate $10.718 trillion in purchase volume for goods and services in 2024, up 35.7% over 2019.

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October 31, 2020



Payment Cards in the U.S. Projected Purchase Volume in 2024

U.S. Payment Cards—Purchase Volume

U.S. Payment Cards—Purchase Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards—Purchase Volume 2019 vs. 2024

U.S. Payment Cards—Total Volume

U.S. Payment Cards—Total Transactions

U.S. Payment Cards—Outstandings

U.S. Payment Cards—Cardholders

U.S. Payment Cards—Cards


U.S. Payment Cards—Purchase Transactions

Consumer and commercial general purpose and private label credit, debit, and prepaid cards are featured in this issue. Purchase transactions are listed for all brands and products. The totals are shown here.

Credit Card Totals
52.23 Billion projected in 2024
Debit Card Totals
116.93 Billion projected in 2024
Credit and Debit Totals
169.16 Billion projected in 2024

Full access to the Payment Cards—Purchase Transactions results in the United States is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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