
Issue 1189

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
January 2021
Featured Chart

Purchase Transactions Projected Worldwide

Transactions on cards carrying Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay, American Express, Discover/Diners Club and JCB brands are projected to reach 642.01 billion in 2025, an increase of 41.4% over 2020. The greatest percentage growth will occur in the Middle East and Africa region.

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Message from the Publisher

We have implemented a change in how we deliver the Nilson Report. Starting
with this issue, you will receive a PIN code via email that will allow you to access the newsletter. This update improves the download process for subscribers who are restricted from receiving PDFs by email. However, it is our expectation that the added features will benefit every one of our readers. Please let us know what you think.

David Robertson, Publisher
January 19, 2021



Purchase Transactions Projected Worldwide

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions Projected for 2025 by Region

Purchase Transactions Global Brand Cards 2000-2020

M&A Activity in Merchant Processing and Acquiring by Region—2020

Mastercard & Visa Worldwide thru 3Q 2020


Mastercard & Visa Worldwide thru 3Q 2020

There were over 218 billion credit, debit and prepaid card purchase transactions for Mastercard and Visa worldwide in the first three quarters of 2020. Transactions included all consumer and commercial card products.

1. Visa Worldwide
136.03 bil. purchase transactions, -0.2%
2. Mastercard Worldwide
82.04 bil. purchase transactions, +4.1%
3. Worldwide totals
218.07 bil. purchase transactions, +1.4%

Full access to the Mastercard & Visa results through 3Q 2020 Worldwide is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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