
Issue 1190

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January 2021
Featured Chart

Outstandings on General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.

Outstanding receivables tied to consumer and commercial Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards issued in the U.S. declined 14.9% to $866 billion at the end of 2020.

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David Robertson, Publisher
January 31, 2021



Outstandings on General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.

Market Shares of Outstandings on U.S. Credit Cards—2000 through 2020

Investments in Merchant Acquiring and Processing by Region—2020

Investments by Region—Number of Transactions in 2020

Income at Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers—2020 vs. 2019

American Express Cards 2020 vs. 2019

Discover Card 2020 vs. 2019

Investments and Acquisitions—December 2020


American Express Cards 2020 vs. 2019

American Express issues cards directly and in partnership with financial institutions worldwide. Figures for cards issued, transactions generated, and outstanding receivables are listed on page 10.

1. Inside the U.S.
$691.52 billion purchase volume, –16.2%
2. Outside the U.S.
$313.36 billion purchase volume, –21.7%
3. Global total
$1,004.88 billion purchase volume, -18.0%

Full access to the American Express Cards 2020 vs. 2019 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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