
Issue 1192

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February 2021
Featured Chart

Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.

The eight largest issuers generated $2.891 trillion in purchase volume in 2020, down 10.4%. They accounted for 80.1% of the industry’s $3.611 trillion total.

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Message from the Publisher

Reading the Nilson Report has additional benefits. Currently, Finovate is offering Nilson Report subscribers a 20% discount on the all-digital Finovate Europe event to be held March 23–25. Our subscribers can keep up with card payment industry events around the world by visiting our website, where they can also find valuable discounts for many of those events.

David Robertson, Publisher
February 28, 2021



Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.–Purchase Volume

Market Shares of Outstandings for Top U.S. Issuers in 2020

Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.

Top 50 Visa and Mastercard Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.


Top 50 Visa and Mastercard Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.

The 50 largest issuers of Visa and Mastercard credit cards in the U.S. are ranked by outstanding receivables as of December 31, 2020. The total for that group was $634.19 billion, down 14.3%. The 5 largest are listed here.

1. JPMorgan Chase, Delaware
$144.22 billion outstandings, -14.6%
2. Citi, South Dakota
$100.82 billion outstandings, -12.9%
3. Capital One, Virginia
$87.93 billion outstandings, -17.9%
4. Bank of America, Delaware
$87.24 billion outstandings, -18.9%
5. U.S. Bank, Ohio
$37.20 billion outstandings, -10.2%

Full access to the Top 50 Visa & Mastercard Credit Card Issuers results in the U.S. is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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